well today after waking up at 11.30am after spending some 7hours non stop chatting on msn with my newfound and not so new group of friends, I've decided to device an action plan for my life.... coz at this rate i'm gonna end up a couch potato.
So I've decided that I'm gonna take up a new part time course. In fact right now I have the list of part-time courses offered by MCAST and I'm shortlisting them all according to day of venue, level of interest and cost. I have around 5 from which to chose... so as they say ho solo l'imbarazzo della scelta.
I have also decided to take driving lessons. After going to Hal Far at 4am last Friday.. or better Saturday, and suffering the frustration of not having any idea how to drive, I've asked Dori for the contact no of her learner and so today I'm gonna give her a call.
Another thing I'm gonna do is start exercising. All this talk about hiking is giving me frequent bouts of cold sweat coz I haven't moved from the room for months now.... and I'm also getting nostalgic about karate. So I'm gonna take that up as well coz, let's admit it, it's depressing to see a 60year old walking fast and still full of energy when I'm feeling my lungs bursting with the exercise!!
Aaaand I have to quit the computer!!! It's getting impossible. I'm spending days sitting here in front of my pc (in fact my bum has flattened :S) and strangely enough there is always something new to do. Well lately this got enhanced by the obsession of checking the mail box and for any new results. And that pirate game, I never thought anything could be so addictive!!! So i have to spend less time in front of this box!
And ...I have to get back to reading. I can't remember the title of the last book I read!! The bookmark in Anna Karenina has been waiting for me at the beginning of part 3 for ages! I have to finish that one by the end of the month. And start reading the Paolo Cohelo ones, and the one I got for my bday, and the other one I bought in November and the book my friend has lent me more than a year ago......
Quite a long list huh!...... Hopefully I'll keep at least one promise to myself!!
3 hours ago
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