Today I didn't feel like working again after wasting a whole morning because some stupid employee at the ID Cards office doesn't know the correct procedure and sent us to the other side of the city uselessly. Anyway that's a long story. As I said I didn't feel like working and browsed some blogs and I found this one, which I reaallyyyy liked.
Hsejjes Innocenti: Plagerism or what?: "
'I don't need a man:
To survive
To cook for me
To take care of me
To show me what affection is
To change the electirc bulb for me (?)
To tell me how to dream
To globe trek with me
To help me find my way(literally and metaphorically speaking)
I need one:
To fall in love
To take me on bike rides
To shop with me for electronic stuff
To accompany me to the places where I don't have the courage to go alone
To enjoy a good book or film together
To tell me I am awesome (*grin*)
To laugh with me
If I fall in love with him, then he becomes my ideal mate.If he falls in love with me, as well.
Then probably you will find me on the top level of Maslow's pyramid or attained the bloody Nirvana.'"
.....however, even though it states that I don't need a man for those things, I really wouldn't mind if he cooks for me, takes care of me and treks the globe with me, hehe ;)
3 hours ago
meta trid...u bil-qalb kollha ;)