Oh my! I've started the new year with yet another rant ... but let's face it, I'm passionate about archaeology, hate the way people treat it (especially in Malta; it only has the value of a political pawn when time are right).
Round up of 2008? Nothing much has happened ...
- went to Sicily with my better half
- discovered Google Reader, and more specifically Craftzine and Makezine
- started crocheting and actually managed to finish one project in a single week! *gasp* Have to admit that I've stopped for now, but I do have some projects in mind ...I just need the right frame of mind
- I've been promoted to manager, something which I'm really proud of. On the day of my first anniversary at this job, I got called in for a meeting with the big honcho, and voila! I got the post :D I worked really hard for it, especially in the few months leading to it, so it's quite a big achievement for me :)
- discovered Twitter ... you may call it stupid or geeky, but I like it
- got a great birthday present: this super cool leatherman and built this Drawdio ... cool ain't it?
- acquaintances and friends my age [22] (or almost there) getting engaged, married, or even having babies ... quite shocking for me, but this deserves a post on it's own
I guess those are the highlights for 2008.
What are the plans for 2009?
Unlike last year I'm not gonna make any promises that I will post more often. As you can see I haven't honored the promise that much ... I've only posted 5 times in a whole year.
But I do have hopes, and I'm gonna do my best (or at least try) to:
- keep my room clean and organized ... I hate when everything in my room is in order, but last night and this morning I felt that my mind was more clear, and that's definitely NOT coz I had too many sweets yesterday. I guess my mum was always right, and I'm gonna try (remember: no promises, so don't hold this against me :p)
- keep giving my utmost at my job ... I've felt tired lately, but I don't won't to throw all those months of hard work (and nagging to my boyfriend), so I must find someways to relax and remain motivated
- exercise? I need it to wind down, relax and avoid the possibility of hitting someone (I'm not violent and I've never hit anyone, but that leads to big headaches and frustration). Still don't know what, I miss karate, but I'm not sure if that's the way to go ... still have to think about this
- reply to messages, especially SMSs immediately!!
- start going for walks/hike on Sunday afternoons (?) ... don't like going on my own, so this also depends on my better half
- start waking up before 11:00 ... ideally at around 07:30, 08:00 the latest!! I'm wasting far too much of my days and this has to stop!
- read more ... sadly I've abandoned reading, and this is reflected in my (shockingly) increasing spelling mistakes and (very) badly constructed sentences *blush*
- continue crocheting, and maybe even start sewing and embroidery *already thinking about a couple of nice skirts for spring :)*
- travel ... I do have some ideas and options in mind, just have to make them concrete
*- as my dear beta-j pointed out, in 2009 I have to get my driving license and a car!!! I've been going for lessons for far too long, and I've postponed scheduling the test for quite some time now, but a couple more (parking) lessons, and I should have enough balls to book a date ... hopefully I will feel confident enough with the parking, and I won't mess up my whole test *fingers crossed, touching wood* :D
I guess that's all I have in mind for 2009 for now.
So Happy New Year to any readers of this blog. Take care and enjoy your self safely :)
3 hours ago
why not add; getting a license (and a car) as one of your goals for 2009? ;p
ReplyDeleteadded ;)
ReplyDeletewhat have you been doing so far with your drawdio?
ReplyDelete@ jay
ReplyDeleteI've just doodled. But I have to admit that I'm also cheating ... sometimes instead of drawing, I just touch the contacts on either side of the pcb to listen to the sound it makes, hehehe :)
you got one too?