Friday, May 29, 2009

why I think Maltese politicians are full of sh*t

See the image below?

These are all the election leaflets we've received in a single day.

What I hate about this is that ALL of candidates emphasise ad nauseum the importance they give to the environment in their agenda.  Honestly, if the protection of the environment is your top priority on your agenda, why on earth do you feel the need to send out a whole magazine detailing your life (of which, frankly I do not give a damn, especially about your childhood, and when you got married, and why you married that girl, bla bla bla) to all households in this country which is not even printed on recycled paper, or not printed with soy inks.

I know that you need to market yourselves, but frankly, I'd rather receive your website address on a small piece of paper (and then I'll check out your views, recommendations, etc etc.) then receive a daily mass of junk, which more often then not ends up littering our streets because some people feel the need to pointedly rip the opposite party's papers and throw them out in the street to emphasise their hatred towards that party.

Ah, one other thing, I don't give a damn how and where you were brought up, I don't care to see huge photos of you with the party's leader, I don't care about your wedding pictures, and I don't care about seeing nice shiny photos of you with various other persons - there's facebook for that!

What I find increasingly irritating in this election is that the issues that are being discussed are more of a local (and even personal) level than an European level.  What does Gonzi and the electricity bills have to do with the MEPs?  I have to say that each and every day I feel even more disappointed by all parties who are more ready to take the whole country for a ride instead of working their ass off to safe guard the interests of our country.


  1. soy inks? that sounds interesting!

    so true though....I can't stand opening my front door every day, picking up the fresh pile of propoganda (read: garbage) and heading straight off to the gray bin-liner to dump everything.

    Honestly, I haven't got a clue what's written on those thigns, and I really couldn't care to find out...I wouldn't trust a politician face-to-face, let alone his pointless ramblings in a glossy hand-out!

    Actions should speak louder than words...and if this doesn't seem to apply to the politicians' mroal reasoning...let's all make sure it applies to ours!

  2. "the issues that are being discussed are more of a local (and even personal) level than an European level." I agree.

  3. agreed, agreed, agreed! on all counts! makes plenty of sense!
