Wednesday, January 30, 2008

A Numismatic Exhibition Online

Claudia Perassi and her students at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan(l'Università Cattolica Del Sacro Cuore) have created this online numismatic (ancient coins) exhibition. It's a pity it's just in Italian, however it's still a really good idea and the site is beautifully made.

So, even if you can't read Italian, go ahead and check it out!!! :)

Saturday, January 12, 2008

ahaaa ... it has resurfaced once again!!

... remember my post (the mind is a beautiful, frustrating thing) saying that my mind decides to become creative when I have to study? Well this time it took quite a while before it decided which way it wanted to go. To be quite honest I thought that finally it has realised that it has to sustain this creative streak after exams or assignments are over if it wants anything concrete to happen. But it has waited till the very few hours before my exam tomorrow morning. Now it's the time for scrapbooking and card-making. I actually had considering starting such a hobby, but considering that I currently have no time whatsoever on my hands, I had put it on hold till June. But when creative ideas would have been welcome, barely anything would crop up. But now that I have to concentrate I keep on getting these bright ideas which keep distracting me from the already insufferably boring topic. As always I'm putting to paper all the ideas that surface. Hopefully one day I have the time needed to peruse my notebook, and actually give life to all my ideas.

Sorry I'm back on this topic, but it fascinates me, more than words can say. Anyway, I'm off to get some more studying done ... hope I'll manage to at least pass the damn exam tomorrow!!

PS: I know that one should not start sentences with 'But', so I apologise for that :)

Thursday, January 03, 2008

yeah ... still alive ... kinda ...

I honestly promise that I will write again!! I know it's been too long ... but if I'm not inspired, I cannot write a single sentence without editing it a million times and then finally deciding on deleting it, or leave it for some other time.

In a nutshell, right now I do not have a life ... the past couple of months I have been waking up at 05:30, leaving my house at around 06:30/07:00(hey!! I have to lounge a bit in my bed!!), to get to STC(hopefully making it by 08:55); spend 6 (mind-numbing) hours there, and then heading straight to work for the next 8hours. I finish around 23:00/23:30, and head home and straight to bed. So as you can see I have nooo life whatsoever at the moment.

Now that the holidays have come, I've caught a cold, so the hours I'm off work, I'm spending them lounging in bed, trying to sleep off the blocked/runny nose and forget about the upcoming exams and the assignment I have to hand in soon. arrrghhhhh bugger!!

Anyway, I don't want to start nagging all over again ... just wanted to say hi and that I'm still alive (sorta) and that I will be back in 2008 to nag :D

I also have to give you some updates about the year that has just passed us by aaaand so on. So this is a promise/resolution, that I'll try to be more faithful to this blog during this year :)

Have a nice one! and happy new year!!! (no this year I didn't have time/energy/inspiration to come up with a nice pic to say happy new year)